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<root>­/­mirrors­/­flerp­/­.1­/­Invite.'98­/­05.15 - 05.17 TakeOver = Netherlands/to98_2.nfo

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     - ____________\_     /   \_    |    _/__\  __   /__ -----------------
       \_            _  _//   _|    ½____|___  _____/ _/ t a k e o v e r 98
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             eindhoven, |    |    ||    |-----Ö    _____/ _/   ._     /
        the auditorium, | .._|    |     |     |    |      |     _    /____
     15/16/17 may/1998! |_:_______|_    |     |_   |     _|     |       _//
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---- Takeover'98 - the story continues ----------------------------------------

  In 1995, a group of Dutch sceners decided to organize a demo party. In 1996
  preperations were made. In 1997 the best Dutch demo party ever was held. In
  1998 there will be even more.

  Takeover'98 will not only bring you what X'97 Takeover brought you last year.
  Takeover'98 will bring you more. No more power failures, an even better
  network, better sleeping accomodations, showers - if you had an excuse last
  year not to be there, you certainly won't have one now!

---- Why Takeover'98? ---------------------------------------------------------

  In 1997, Nostalgia and Success combined forces, helped by the network people
  of Stack. Nostalgia brought Takeover, Success brought X. X'97 Takeover was
  born, raised, and held. For various reasons it almost became a one-time
  event. Success decided to withdraw, Nostalgia's main organizer decided to do
  the same. Because of tremendous support from the scene, Nostalgia and Stack,
  in cooperation with Quad, decided to continue what Nostalgia and Success left
  behind. The absence of Success ment the absence of X - Takeover'98 was born.

  Last year, X'97 Takeover had much to offer. A great party atmosphere, the
  best party network ever (including internet access), a magnificent big screen
  and audio, life artist performances, a catering serving hot meals and -
  something the organizers cannot take credit for, but are very proud of - the
  best releases ever on a Dutch demo party: 303 (AcmE), Stasis (Analogue) and
  Saturday (Spirit New Style) were still spoken of months afterwards.

  Of course, the party had downsides: the continuing power failures and the
  poor sleeping accomodations did not ruin the party, but they didn't help much
  either. There was also some criticism about the rules for competition
  entries. Takeover'98 will improve all this: there will be dry, warm sleeping
  places in a nearby gymhall (including free hot showers!), sufficient power
  due to use of 380-to-220 Volt current dispatchers (we had those last year,
  but only near the end), and clear competition rules. Oh, before we forget:
  the party network will be improved. Improved? Yes. It will be even better. It
  will be faster, more IP-numbers will be available, and registration will be

---- "Okay, okay, enough of this talk - now give us the details" --------------

  What:         - Takeover'98

  When:         - Opens at 18:00 on Friday 15 May
                - Closes at 13:00 on Sunday 17 May

  Where:        - The Auditorium of the University of Technology, Eindhoven
                  (TUE), Eindhoven, the Netherlands

  Price:        - Hfl 45,- (about 23$)
                - We only accept Dutch Guilders, though German Marks can be
                  exchanged against a 1 Hfl = 1 DM rate and Belgium Francs
                  against a 1 Hfl = 20 BEF rate (only bills excepted, no

  Features:     - Huge, quality big screen
                - Huge, quality audio system
                - Separate main hall and competition theatre
                - Best party network ever
                - Free internet access (100 Mbit uplink via TUE main router)
                - 6 internet terminals for those without a computer
                - Room for over 750 people and 600 computers
                - 24 hour catering
                - Life performances
                - High quality T-shirts designed by Made / Bomb
                - Very nice party and info magazine designed by Aap / Acme
                  and The REW / Nostalgia
                - Several "fun" competitions to increase the atmosphere
                - Warm, dry sleeping hall
                - Free, hot showers next to sleeping hall
                - Clean toilets
                - 5 minutes walk from train station
                - 5 minutes walk to city centre
                - Large, free parking place

---- General party rules ------------------------------------------------------

  The organisers have the right to refuse admittance to anyone, remove anyone
  from the party place and to turn anyone over to the police in case of serious
  misconduct. This includes fighting, racism, facism, spreading illegal soft-
  ware and ignoring the party rules.

  You are attending the party at your own risk. The Takeover'98 organisation
  and the Eindhoven University of Technology cannot be held responsible for
  anything. This includes any loss or damage of personal belongings (including
  computers and other equipment).

  When attending Takeover'98, the following rules apply:

  - Disorderly conduct like fighting, vandalism, racism, stealing etc. is
    forbidden. When you display such behaviour you risk removal from the party
    place and being handed over to the proper authorities.

  - It is illegal to use or sell soft and hard drugs at the party place. People
    using or selling hard drugs will be handed over to the police, people
    selling soft drugs will be removed from the party place. It is not allowed
    to use soft drugs in any of the party halls or at the premises of the

  - When removed from the party place you cannot claim any refund of the
    entrance fee.

  - It is illegal to sell food, hardware, software or anything else without
    written notice from the Takeover'98 organisation.

  - Due to agreements with the catering, it is not allowed to bring your own
    food and drinks inside. Coffee machines, micro wave ovens etc. are not
    allowed inside. There will be plenty of food and drinks available in the
    main hall.

  - Smoking, eating and drinking is only allowed in the main hall, not in the
    competition room and sleeping room. When smoking in the main hall please
    use the ashtrays, and when finished eating or drinking please deposit any
    packages, leftovers etc. in the designated garbage bags.

  - It is not allowed to sleep in the main hall and competition hall, sleeping
    is allowed only in the sleeping hall. When you do sleep outside the
    sleeping hall you risk being woke up.

  - The sleeping hall will only be opened during night time (there will be
    University sporting events during day time). The exact opening hours can be
    found somewhere else in this infofile.

  - When no performances or competitions are shown the competitions hall will
    be closed. It is not allowed to be in the competitions hall outside opening

  - The main hall, the competition hall and the sleeping hall are the only
    indoor places that are open to party visitors. Access to all other indoor
    areas, whether blocked or not, is prohibited.

  - To prevent theft, it is not allowed to move or remove computers and other
    equipment in the main hall during the competitions.

  - When you do not reserve table space you cannot claim the right for such

---- The competitions ---------------------------------------------------------

  Many people in the demoscene are experimenting with modern operating systems
  like Windows'95 and Linux nowadays. We don't believe that the operating
  system used should influence the quality of your demo when using the same
  hardware, so that's why Takeover'98 is one of the first parties that will
  accept DOS, Windows and Linux demos in the same demo and intro competitions.

  The prize money depends on the amount of people that show up, so don't forget
  to bring your friends. If enough people show up we might break the record for
  largest amount of prize money at a Dutch party!

  Takeover'98 will feature the following competitions:

                - PC demo competition
                - PC 64 Kb intro competition
                - PC 4 Kb intro competition
                - PC hardware accelerated 3D demo competition
                - Java demo competition
                - Music competition
                - House competition
                - Graphics competition
                - Raytrace competition
                - ANSI/ASCII competition
                - Surprise coding / music / graphics competitions
                - Fun competitions

  The organisation reserves the right to cancel any competition when too little
  serious entries have been submitted. Entering a competition does not garantee
  that your entry will be shown or played, a jury will make a preselection. The
  organisation reserves the right to spread all selected entries on the
  internet and on CD-ROM. Entries that are disqualifed or not selected will not
  be spread by the organisers.

  For all entries and all competitions the following rules apply:

        - Entries must be delivered on clearly labeled 3.5" diskettes, CD-ROM
          or ZIP-disk. These will not be returned.
        - Entries must not have been released before. However, it is allowed to
          enter music or pictures featured in a demo or intro also released at
        - Trojan horses, rip-offs, and other childish entries will be
        - Only one entry per person or group is allowed for each competition,
          except for the demo competitions and the 64kb intro competition. For
          these competitions there is no limit to the number of entries per
          person or group.

  For all demo and intro competitions the following rules apply:

        - Dos demos and intros must run on MS-DOS 6.2 with Scitech Display
          Doctor (UniVBE) 6.0 loaded.
        - Windows demos and intros must run on Windows 95 OSR2 with
          DirectX 5 installed.
        - Linux demos and intros must run on SVGAlib or X. We will use the most
          recent stable kernel.
        - Hardware accelerated 3D is only allowed in the PC hardware
          accelerated 3D demo competition, not in the other demo and intro
        - Decompression to harddisk is not allowed.

  Rules for the PC demo competition:

        - Each entry will be shown for a maximum of 15 minutes.
        - Maximum total size of the runnable demo must be less than 5,000,000
        - The demo must play sound (using either a Sound Blaster or a Gravis
          Ultra Sound).

  Rules for the PC 64 Kb intro competition:

        - Each entry will be shown for a maximum of 10 minutes.
        - Maximum total size of runnable intro is 64 Kb (65536 bytes).
        - The intro must play sound (using either a Sound Blaster or a Gravis
          Ultra Sound).

  Rules for the PC 4 Kb intro competition:

        - Each entry will be shown for a maximum of 5 minutes.
        - Maximum total size of runnable intro is 4 Kb (4096 bytes).
        - The intro may have sound.

  Rules for the PC hardware accelerated 3D demo competition:

        - Each entry will be shown for a maximum of 15 minutes.
        - Maximum total size of the runnable demo must be less than 5,000,000
        - The demo must play sound (using either a Sound Blaster or a Gravis
          Ultra Sound).
        - DOS and Linux demos must run under the latest version of Glide.
        - Windows demos must run under DirectX 5, OpenGL or WinGlide.

  Rules for the Java demo competition:

        - Each entry will be shown for a maximum of 15 minutes.
        - Maximum total size of the runnable demo must be less than 5,000,000
        - Only pure native Java applets are allowed.
        - By default, we will run the demo on Internet Explorer 4.0, unless you
          inform us to use Netscape Communicator 4.0 instead.
        - The demo will be run localy from harddisk, but it should also
          run from a LAN or WAN.

  Rules for the music and house competitions:

        - Each entry will be played for a maximum of 4 minutes.
        - Maximum playable file size is 1 Mb (1048576 bytes).
        - Only tracker based music is allowed. MIDI, MP3 etc. will be
        - The latest version of Fast Tracker will be used to play .XM files,
          the latest version of Impulse Tracker will be used to play .S3M and
          .IT files. We will use the latest version of Cubic Player to play all
          other files.
        - House music (Techno, Trance, Goa, Gabber etc.) is only allowed in the
          house competition.
        - Non-house music is only allowed in the music competition.

  Rules for the graphics and raytrace competitions:

        - Each picture will be shown for about 20 seconds.
        - Maximum resolution 800x600x16M.
        - Scanned pictures will be disqualified.
        - The latest version of SEA will be used to display the graphics.
        - Handdrawn pictures are only allowed in the graphics competition.
        - Ray-traced pictures are only allowed in the ray-trace competition.

  Rules for the ANSI/ASCII competition:

        - Each entry will be scrolled down in textmode (25 or 50 lines)
          at a speed of 14k4 modem. Please inform us which line mode should be
        - Each entry will be shown in a VGA graphics mode for 20 seconds.
        - Maximum size is 80x250 characters.
        - Animation is not allowed.
        - The latest version of Acidview will be used to display the entries.

  Rules for the surprise and fun competitions:

        - These will be announced at the party.

---- Deadlines ----------------------------------------------------------------

  Releases must be handed in before the deadlines. In case we have enough time
  we will accept newer versions of your entry after the deadline, but only if
  and older (working) version has been submitted before the deadline.

  The deadlines for the Takeover'98 competitions are:

        - Sat 17:00 - House competition
        - Sat 19:30 - PC hardware accelerated 3D demo competition
        - Sat 22:00 - Music competition
        - Sat 22:30 - Graphics competition
        - Sat 22:30 - Raytrace competition
        - Sat 22:30 - ANSI/ASCII competition
        - Sat 23:30 - PC 4 Kb intro competition
        - Sun 00:30 - PC 64 Kb intro competition
        - Sun 03:00 - Surprise competitions
        - Sun 03:30 - Java demo competition
        - Sun 04:00 - PC demo competition

---- The compo machine --------------------------------------------------------

  We will use the same compo machine for all competitions. We will install DOS
  6.2 for DOS demos, Windows 95 OSR2 for Windows demos and the latest stable
  Linux kernel for Linux demos. For the Java compo we will install
  Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 and Netscape Communicator 4.0.

  The hardware configuration of the compo machine is as follows:

        - Processor:  Intel Pentium MMX at 200 Mhz.
        - Memory:     64 Mb of ram.
        - Videocard:  Diamond S3 Virge with 4 Mb display memory
        - Soundcards: Soundblaster AWE 64 PnP Gold with 4 Mb RAM and a GUS
                      Classic with 1 Mb RAM.

  During the PC hardware accelerated 3D competition we will add a Diamond
  3DFx Voodoo II card.

---- Voting -------------------------------------------------------------------

  All competitions (except for the surprise and fun competitions) will be
  judged by both the public and a jury (50%-50%). The surprise and fun
  competitions will be judged by a jury only. If you like to be in a jury, you
  can send us a mail and tell us what compo you like to judge and why we should
  pick you as a jurymember. You may only be a jury member in a competition in
  which you, or your group members, do not participate.

  At the entrance everybody will receive a voting number. With this number
  you can vote using the party network. We have six internet terminals in case
  you have no computer with network available.

  We will release all entries on the party network immediately after each
  compo, so even when you missed the compo you can still watch / listen to the
  entries and make sure that you vote for the right one.

---- Party schedule -----------------------------------------------------------

  These are the scheduled times for the events and competitions at the
  Takeover'98 demo party:

        - Sat 00:00-01:00       Performance by Laservision
        - Sat 01:00-02:00       Performance by Morbid Minds
        - Sat 02:00-04:00       Movie time
        - Sat 13:30-14:30       Musica Music Center computer and music demo
        - Sat 14:30-15:30       Presentation of the Reservoir Dogs artdisk
        - Sat 15:30-17:00       Movie time
        - Sat 21:00-22:00       House competition
        - Sat 22:30-23:00       PC hardware accelerated 3D demo competition
        - Sat 23:30-00:30       Graphics, raytrace and ANSI/ASCII competitions
        - Sun 01:00-01:30       PC 4 Kb intro competition
        - Sun 02:00-03:00       Music competition
        - Sun 03:30-04:30       PC 64 Kb intro competition
        - Sun 05:00-06:00       Surprise competitions
        - Sun 06:15-06:45       Java demo competition
        - Sun 07:00-09:00       PC demo competition
        - Sun 12:00-13:00       Closing ceremony.

  We also will hold some fun competitions outside the building. Because we
  cannot predict the weather we will announce these competitions at the party
  itself. After the closing ceremony the power and network will be shut down.

---- Party network ------------------------------------------------------------

  Just like last year Takeover'98 will have a very fast party network including
  a fast connection to the internet. During the party we will have our own
  WWW-server, FTP-server and even our own IRC-server.

  We will have 120 switched outlets on 10 Mbit. You will have to bring your own
  HUB if you want to connect to the party network with UTP. A limited amount of
  BNC connections will be supplied.

  For users connecting via Coax/BNC:
  - Bring your own cable, T-joints and terminator.

  For users connecting via UTP:
  - Bring your own HUBs as connecting directly to the switch is prohibited.

  Note for large groups:
  - Please supply enough HUB ports for your group, as so to connect to the LAN
    on 1 switch port.

---- Catering -----------------------------------------------------------------

  A professional catering will serve food and drinks 24 hours a day. Like last
  year they will serve not just the usual fast food, but also more healthy and
  original kinds of food. Next to that they will sell coffee, beer and
  hopefully Jolt cola, so nothing will stop you from having a great party.
  Remember that due to our agreement with the catering service, we cannot allow
  you to bring your own food and drinks into the party place.

---- Sleeping places ----------------------------------------------------------

  During the party it is possible to catch some sleep in a nearby sporting
  hall at the university terrain. There are free hot showers in this building,
  so please use them to make life more enjoyable for you, but especially for
  the people sitting next to you ;-).

  IMPORTANT: The sleeping hall won't be opened during the whole party because
             sporting events will be held there during the afternoons!

  The opening times of the sleeping hall are as follows:

        - Fri 23:00 till Sat 13:00
        - Sat 23:00 till Sun 13:00

---- How to get there? --------------------------------------------------------

  Well, don't expect fancy road maps here, but don't worry, it is very easy to

  If you're coming by plane:

        You can get a direct flight to Eindhoven Airport (Welschap) from
        various cities in Europe: Amsterdam, Maastricht, London, Birmingham,
        Manchester, Paris, Zurich, Frankfurt, Hamburg and Strassbourg.

  If you're coming by train:

        You can reach the university quite easily by train. The university
        buildings are situated near the railway station. Leaving the platform,
        you go down the stairs and turn to the right. You leave the building on
        the north side, facing the bus station. The university buildings are
        visible to the north-east and are a five minutes' walk.

  If you're coming by car:

     * From 's Hertogenbosch, Motorway A2/N2:

        At the intersection 'Ekkersweijer' take the motorway A58 and follow the
        signs 'Centrum'. Keep driving in this direction. Soon after that signs
        with the word 'universiteit' appear. After crossing the ringroad 'Ring'
        you see the sign 'universiteit'. Take the turn-off to the the left.

     * From Maastricht, Motorway A2 and from Venlo or Antwerpen, Motorway A67:

        At the intersection 'Leenderheide' follow the signs 'Centrum/Tongelre'.
        When you arrive in Eindhoven, you take the second exit on the
        roundabout. Go straight on. At the second set of traffic lights you
        follow the signs 'Nijmegen/'s-Hertogenbosch'. Keep driving in this
        direction (across a canal and under a railway). Soon after that, signs
        with the word 'universiteit' will appear. Immediately after the next
        roundabout you see the sign 'universiteit'. Take the turn-off to the

     * From Tilburg, Motorway A58:

        At the intersection 'Batadorp' you take the exit 'Randweg Eindhoven
        (Noord)/Centrum' and at the intersection 'Ekkersweijer' the exit
        'Randweg Eindhoven/Centrum'. Then you keep following the signs with
        'Centrum' (motorway A58). After crossing the ringroad 'Ring' you see
        the sign 'universiteit'. Take the turn-off to the left.

     * From Nijmegen, Motorway N265:

        When you arrive in Eindhoven, follow the signs 'Centrum'. Keep driving
        in this direction. Soon after that signs with the word 'universiteit'
        will appear. After crossing the ringroad 'Ring' you see the sign
        'universiteit'. Take the turn-off to the left.

     * From Helmond, Motorway A270:

        When you arrive in Eindhoven, take the first exit on the roundabout
        towards 'Ring/universiteit/'s-Hertogenbosch/Tilburg'. After the
        roundabout you see the sign 'universiteit'. Take the turn-off to the

---- Sources of information ---------------------------------------------------

  Homepage:     -

  Newsgroup:    - party.takeover98 at

  IRC channel:  - #takeover

  Mailinglist:  -
                  (put the text "subscribe to98" in the body of your mail)

  General info: -

  Question on
  reservations: -

---- Sponsors -----------------------------------------------------------------

  The Takeover'98 organisation would like to thank these persons, companies and
  organisations for supporting the demoscene and the Takeover demoparty:

  - The University of Technology, Eindhoven
  - CMG
  - Cisco/KPN Nederland
  - Paradigit
  - Musica Music Center, Eindhoven
  - Snooker and Laserquest, Eindhoven
  - Made / Bomb
  - Trigon / Overflow
  - Aap / Acme
  - The REW / Nostalgia
  - Laservision
  - Morbid Minds
  - All people involved with the Reservoir Dogs artdisk

---- What is left to say? -----------------------------------------------------

  We hope you will have a great time at Takeover'98, as many people had at X'97
  Takeover last year. We will try to maintain the relaxed atmosphere the party
  had last year, so don't be scared by all the rules and regulations - they
  are just there to protect you from being distracted from the main goal:
  three days of fun!

  The organizers